


(Note: Full COVID vaccination is required for attendance at PZC. Masks are optional.)

We currently offer five sesshin each year.
They are led by Elihu Genmyo Smith or Ed Mushin Russell and last from three to five days.
Part-time attendance is accepted.
The sesshin include a combination of attendees at PZC and attendees via Zoom.
If you have any questions regarding sesshin, contact

Click HERE to read the PZC Sesshin Policy Statement

Please indicate sesshin attending in check memo or with PayPal payment, e.g., "November 2023 Sesshin."
Suggested donation:
   attendance via Zoom is $25 per day (excluding the first evening).
   attendance at PZC is $40 per day and includes meals. Without meals $30 per day.

Note: The teachers receive no compensation for leading sesshin. Any dana you may offer them is appreciated by the sangha.

Please notify PZC of your planned attendance at least one week prior to the beginning of sesshin.

All sesshin are held at the Prairie Zen Center, 515 S. Prospect in Champaign, unless otherwise indicated.
Attendance is available via Zoom.

   June 10 (Tue) to 15 (Sun)
   To view the daily schedule click HERE

Sesshin Applications

To submit your application online click HERE.
To view the printable application, click HERE
Application with donation is due 1 week prior to the beginning of sesshin.
Except in the case of emergencies, please attend all of the sesshin days/times for which your are registering.