
   Ordinary Mind Zen School


Charlotte Joko Beck and her Dharma Successors have established the Ordinary Mind Zen School, whose purpose is set forth in the following statement.

The Ordinary Mind Zen School intends to manifest and support practice of the Awakened Way, as expressed in the teaching of Charlotte Joko Beck. The School is composed her Dharma Successors and teachers and successors they, as individuals, have formally authorized. There is no affiliation with other Zen groups or religious denominations; however, membership in this school does not preclude individual affiliation with other groups. Within the school there is no hierarchy of Dharma Successors.
The Awakened Way is universal; the medium and methods of realization vary according to circumstances. Each Dharma Successor in the School may apply diverse practice approaches and determine the structure of any organization that s/he may develop to facilitate practice.
The Successors acknowledge that they are ongoing students, and that the quality of their teaching derives from the quality of their practice. As ongoing students, teachers are committed to the openness and fluidity of practice, wherein the wisdom of the absolute may be manifested in/as our life. An important function of this School is the ongoing examination and development of effective teaching approaches to insure comprehensive practice in all aspects of living.
May the practice of this School manifest wisdom and compassion, benefiting all beings.

OMZS Centers and Groups

Zen Center of San Diego
San Diego, CA

Bay Zen Center
Oakland, CA
Teacher: Diane Eshin Rizzetto

Ordinary Mind Zendo
New York, NY (Barry Magid) (request zendo schedule/newsletter)
Teacher: Barry Magid

Santa Rose Zen Group
Santa Rosa, CA
Teacher: Diane Moore

Zen Center of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Teacher: Pat Jikyo George
Ordinary Mind Zen Brisbane
Brisbane, Australia
Teacher: Gregg Howard

Ordinary Mind Zen Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Teacher: Geoff Dawson

Ordinary Mind Zen Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Teacher: Geoff Dawson
Tavallinen Mieli Zendo
Teacher: Karen Terzano

Ordinary Mind Zen Galway
Galway, Ireland
Teacher: Karen Terzano